to get published.

She warned writers to stay away from Vanity Presses. If one felt he had quality that would match Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, or E. E. Cummings and still couldn't get published, he should buy his own printing press and paper and print his own books and distribute them. It would be cheaper in the long run, sho said.

During the question poriod one girl asked Artemis why she permitted such bad covers to be used on her books. Artemis replied that she had tried to do something about this and had finally given up, that actually if a person bought the book hoping to find salacious material in it he was in for a rude shock and might actually learn something he hadn't known before.


At 3:30 P.M. Sidney Feinberg, North Coastal Area Administrator of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, and Morris Lowenthal, San Francisco attorney who acted as Amious Curiae in the "First and Last Chance" Bar case, discussed the Gay Bar Problem.

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Attorney Feinberg took the stand first. imposing figure and has a booming voice. microphone out of the way first thing, to save our eardrums, I suppos0. He told us that in 1954 a new constitutional amendment was approved which wiped out the State Board of Equalization's control of liquor licenses and provided for the new Alcoholic Beverage Control Department which was to regulate alcoholic beverages from "the cradle to the grave." On January 1, 1955, this new department came into being. The ABC investigates, among other things, that people applying for licenses to sell liquor have the proper backgrounds for the grave responsibility involved. The ABC has certain law enforcement duties and the police power of arrest. However, Mr. Feinberg wanted it understood that the ABC was not a vice squad, intelligence squad, or arm of the police department in any way, although they frequently worked in cooperation with the various police departments; that they were more concerned with the owner of a license who permitted improper actions in his bar than